Theory of Change for Bereavement Signposting
Theory of Change for Bereavement Signposting
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief and the Bereavement Charter Group have published a consensus vision and theory of change for improving signposting to bereavement information and support in Scotland.
They were developed by a collaboration of people working in the bereavement sector in Scotland, at ‘Talk to Action’ events held in January and March 2024.
This ‘talk to action’ work followed on from the publication of the Bereavement Summit Report in June 2023, aiming to take one of the 10 summit recommendations and explore in details how it could be turned into reality.
What next?
From the outset it has been clear there is no additional budget for bereavement work, and the ‘talk to action’ work was led by an informal sector collaboration. In the absence of dedicated resources to lead and co-ordinate building on what has been very useful work so far, the Bereavement Charter Group will do what it can within its very limited resources to create further opportunities for cross-sector collaboration on the issues raised within the Bereavement Summit Report. The group is planning a face-to-face event to discuss various bereavement-related issues in Spring 2025, and more details will be available in due course.