Policy background
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief was established following a recommendation in the Scottish Government publication Living and Dying Well: Building on Progress. (January 2011).
Since then, a number of publications have highlighted the importance of encouraging more open and supportive cultures relating to death, dying and bereavement:
- Palliative and End of Life Care – the rationale for a public health approach, Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) (2016)
- The Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee’s report (2016) We need to talk about palliative care.
- Grasping the Nettle: what action can we take to improve palliative and end of life care in Scotland? (2015) Published by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care.
- Citizen’s Advice Scotland (2016) Funeral Poverty in Scotland: A Review for Scottish Government
- Scottish Care (2017) Trees that bend in the wind. Exploring the experiences of front line support workers delivering palliative care.
The need to develop public health approaches to palliative care is implicit in the aims and outcomes of the Scottish Government Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care (SFA), and most explicitly referenced in Commitment 6:
“We will support greater public and personal discussion of bereavement, death, dying and care at the end of life. This will include commissioning work from public service agencies outside of health and social care such as schools, colleges and prisons. Local plans to enhance the public health focus of public health professionals on palliative care will also be supported.”
In 2016 the Scottish Government provided the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care with funding for the purposes of leading on the delivery of Commitment 6, through upscaling and expansion of the work of Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief.
Commitment 6 refers to the need for a culture change which is fundamental to the achievement of many other aims, outcomes and objectives of the SFA. This area of work is also relevant to other areas of health and care policy, for example the vision for ‘realistic medicine’ set out in Realistic Medicine, the Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2014-15, the Health Literacy action plan Making it Easier, Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy, and the nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes.