good life, good death, good grief


New palliative care videos

The Primary Palliative Care Research Group at the University of Edinburgh have produced a series of videos for those living with declining health and those friends, family members and professionals caring for them.

The videos are based on detailed research with patients, families, doctors, nurses and other health and care professionals.

How To Live And Die Well provides information about the trajectories of declining health and is useful for those who want to plan ahead and talk with their family or close friends about what’s important for them if their condition worsens. It's available in two formats - one for individual watching, one for group discussions.

The group have also produced Early Palliative Care, a video aimed at professionals explaining the rationale for early palliative care, and Strictly Come Dying, which explains the typical trajectories of declining health through dance.

Click here for links to the videos.

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Bereavement Charter for Scotland