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WHO is the EASE course for?

EASE is for anyone resident in Scotland who wants to be able to support someone with issues they face relating to death, dying and bereavement.

The course welcomes adults of all ages, experiences, cultures and walks of life.

Perhaps you...

  • care for a family member a friend whose health is deteriorating.
  • expect that soon you may need to help care for a friend or family member who's health is getting worse.
  • don't currently have caring responsibilities, but want to be equipped if you ever need to provide basic support for someone who is approaching the end of life.
  • want to know a bit more about dying and bereavement, so that you feel better able to help someone you know who is going through difficult times.

If so, you may find the EASE course helpful.

Is the course for health and social care professionals?

EASE is designed for members of the public in Scotland, and welcomes adults of all ages, experiences and walks of life.

The EASE course does not provide training in palliative care or in clinical matters. It is not a CPD course. Some people may find the course of interest in their professional capacity, but in the event of limited places priority will be given to lay-people.

The courses are facilitated by unpaid volunteers who are motivated by a wish to upskill communities and lay people to be better able to support friend, family and neighbours through caring, dying and grieving.

Is the course available outside Scotland?

The course was developed by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, and limited resources mean that we currently are only able to deliver the course to people living within Scotland.
