good life, good death, good grief

Before I die …

Before I Die is a global public art project that invites people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in public space. Begun by artist Candy Chang (after losing someone she loved) and friends on an abandoned house in the New Orleans neighbourhood, the project is about remembering what is important to you.

Inspired by the work of Candy Chang, we open up the public space that is our website to ask the people of Scotland 'what do you want to do before you die?' Please share below.

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Before I die I want to let my daughter know she is the best thing that ever happened to me, and made my life complete
Before I die I want to Tour round America
Before I die I want to Be at peace with myself
Before I die I want to be here and live
Before I die I want to Feel safe and loved again.
Before I die I want to live in a warm climate.
Before I die I want to Kiss my babies goodnight every night
Before I die I want to Want my boyfriend be happy
Before I die I want to make the perfect challah
Before I die I want to i would like to see superman
Before I die I want to see and touch a Blue whale !
Before I die I want to Travel to Scotland and see where my grandfather was born- then Italy!
Before I die I want to be a Mom.
Before I die I want to Go to my own funeral
Before I die I want to Love as I am loved without fear
Before I die I want to i whish everyone thier whishes come trure me 2
Before I die I want to know what i want before i die
Before I die I want to thank everyone for bearing me
Before I die I want to make sure I tell my children how much I love them EVERYDAY.
Before I die I want to Make me proud and be at peace
Before I die I want to be seen in my entirety
Before I die I want to Feel free
Before I die I want to see the Northern Lights
Before I die I want to spend as much time as I can with the people and pets I love
Before I die I want to Help as many people as possible as much as possible
Before I die I want to find peace of mind, find love, and Live the life that i deserve !
Before I die I want to feel alive.
Before I die I want to reach Base Camp on Mount Everest
Before I die I want to forget about my life for just once
Before I die I want to Find peace
Before I die I want to live
Before I die I want to Live
Before I die I want to visit places in the North of Scotland. We live in such a beautiful country and I haven't seen half of it yet.
Before I die I want to pay back the things people have done for me.
Before I die I want to sledge down a big hill.
Before I die I want to be in the moment, experiencing many joys in life with my partner.
Before I die I want to have two wee dogs to walk along the Orkney beaches in our retirement
Before I die I want to make a difference
Before I die I want to Meet Boy George
Before I die I want to Visit Canada and Iceland
Before I die I want to Build a great guitar others will play and gift music to others.
Before I die I want to see my daughter grow up and have a family of her own, and know she is happy.
Before I die I want to know my grandchildren and be a fantastic grandma
Before I die I want to I just want to be happy :)
Before I die I want to make a place for the future generations of my kin to live sustainably
Before I die I want to retire before I am 67!, go to bed not having to set an alarm spend quality time with my family...
Before I die I want to do whatever comes up, I already have everything I ever wanted, a wonderful husband and an amazing daughter. I can die happy :-)
Before I die I want to become a grandfather
Before I die I want to amend everything with my son Sean & live a peaceful life ,tick off everything on my to do list ,most of all see my sons happy in life.
Before I die I want to Honestly say I made it.
Before I die I want to love, love, love!!
Before I die I want to learn to tap dance
Before I die I want to find peace with myself
Before I die I want to stand on an Australian beach in shorts
Before I die I want to have a successful career
Before I die I want to Hug kiss & tell all my family and friends how much I love them & sorry for anything negative i put in their lives.
Before I die I want to be debt free and not leave bills for my children
Before I die I want to see my loved ones turn to Jesus.
Before I die I want to walk out of the airport at New York and sing the Taylor Swift song: Welcome To New York
Before I die I want to open an old age home and an orphanage and buy a house for my parents.
Before I die I want to travel with my loved one.
Before I die I want to clear my internet history
Before I die I want to ROCK!
Before I die I want to know i made a difference
Before I die I want to sail into both Sydney and New York harbour
Before I die I want to let our children know that Love,, Kindness always works in this way or another.
Before I die I want to Feel content
Before I die I want to be happy
Before I die I want to visit Darjeeling tea gardens.
Before I die I want to see a vegan world and an end to animal factory farming. x
Before I die I want to Bring an end to cruelty and bring Peace through my music to millions in one song.
Before I die I want to Find peace
Before I die I want to help my family, friends and clients to love themselves
Before I die I want to to really be loved
Before I die I want to feel the kind of love that makes my soul catch on fire
Before I die I want to go to Australia to spend time with my childhood friend.
Before I die I want to be happy with my family, love, healthy, travel around the world ,
Before I die I want to Meet Lana Del Rey
Before I die I want to go on safari
Before I die I want to Before I die I want to marry the love of my life
Before I die I want to Make everyone proud of what I have become and to be the best version of my self as possible because there is no point dwelling on the past ✨
Before I die I want to be peaceful and smile because of the journey i have had and the love i have received.
Before I die I want to fall in desperately in love. I want him To fall first. I want to Feel safe, satisfief, appreciated, on fire and ALIVE.
Before I die I want to make sure my 2 adult children have a roof over their heads and are happy, being special needs
Before I die I want to prepare for my send off!
Before I die I want to become miss. universe and meet my boys seventeen
Before I die I want to Learn to tap dance
Before I die I want to see my children grow into happy successful adults and to see them experience the joy of having children of their own
Before I die I want to see the pyramids
Before I die I want to know my family is safe.
Before I die I want to Make a video for my daughter, friends and grandchildren
Before I die I want to live.
Before I die I want to live on a farm
Before I die I want to find happiness in this meaningless life
Before I die I want to dance under the northern lights
Before I die I want to swim naked.
Before I die I want to Sing a duet with rod Stewart
Before I die I want to be an inspiration to oters
Before I die I want to Have a girlfriend
Before I die I want to have a tidy house.
Before I die I want to travel the world filled with joy
Before I die I want to listen to my favorite song while watching the sunset.
Before I die I want to fly a kite.
Before I die I want to put £1,000 on one colour in a casino
Before I die I want to Experience what it’s like to be accepted
Before I die I want to see the Great Barrier Reef
Before I die I want to become a CEO of a big tech company
Before I die I want to see whales in the ocean
Before I die I want to grow a tree
Before I die I want to really live!
Before I die I want to live in another country for at least a year and learn the language
Before I die I want to be at peace with the loss of my soulmate and look forward to seeing her again x
Before I die I want to Take my parents back to their hometowns so they can see them once more
Before I die I want to be important enough to fight for
Before I die I want to Tidy my cupboards and clean out our messy garage!
Before I die I want to say thank you to the many people who have cared for me.
Before I die I want to be happy again like a little kiddo
Before I die I want to live music live bands and beatroule atr centre yoga
Before I die I want to Say goodbye to my mum and dad
Before I die I want to see the earth from space
Before I die I want to See all my children and grandchildren happy and settled and one of my daughters have a longed-for child
Before I die I want to fulfill the 'unticked boxes' that have taken up residency in my head, as a result to then inspire others
Before I die I want to Drink a pint of Guinness while watching the sunset on the west coast of Ireland.
Before I die I want to wake up.
Before I die I want to My sons and all that love me see me happy living in a beautiful home.. Living off the land. My sons to bring there dreams into reality
Before I die I want to look back and think "Goood life, well lived".
Before I die I want to eat lunch
Before I die I want to cuddle my cats and have lots of cats
Before I die I want to Share the amazing love (God is love) indescribable heavenly feeling with as many souls as I can. I am blessed with Gods love, I live to love
Before I die I want to visit the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Australia.
Before I die I want to Live
Before I die I want to live to the fullest
Before I die I want to i want to feel like me again
Before I die I want to Try and be the best version of me I can be........
Before I die I want to Write a book and visit Rio de Janeiro
Before I die I want to feel peace
Before I die I want to feel like im worth something
Before I die I want to find someone who support me
Before I die I want to See GBX experience (george bowie clyde 1 radio dj)
Before I die I want to visit San Francisco
Before I die I want to find my soulmate and live happily ever after!
Before I die I want to have a family of my own
Before I die I want to Msg him and say i love you so much pangs,,
Before I die I want to travel to new york and explore everythign there.
Before I die I want to travel the world!
Before I die I want to Let you know that how much I love you and how much I need you at this moment of my life
Before I die I want to I want my friends and family know I really really really tried. Everyday was a battle but I tried as long as I could.
Before I die I want to see my children grown, independent and happy, write a novel, build my own house.
Before I die I want to know that my family will be okay
Before I die I want to rock 'n' roll
Before I die I want to I want to accept myself fully, forgive mine and others mistakes. Live in love, happiness and acceptance. Before I die I want to happy
Before I die I want to keep trying to make a difference till the very end.
Before I die I want to travel, travel, travel!!!
Before I die I want to over come depression
Before I die I want to Fly
Before I die I want to Have a kiwi and axolotl pet
Before I die I want to actually be truly loved by someone
Before I die I want to Be a famous singer!
Before I die I want to make sure that all of my family and friends know that I've lived my best life and smile/laugh when they think of me
Before I die I want to try to be all i can be. To thank God every day for all the blessings that I have & always to work towards social justice & peace x
Before I die I want to Live
Before I die I want to dress up as bett middler and a night with Jason Statham
Before I die I want to be genuinely happy.
Before I die I want to Travel South East Asia and on to Australia
Before I die I want to find confidence
Before I die I want to see the world and live in paris
Before I die I want to See Niagra Falls
Before I die I want to go to indonesia
Before I die I want to Feel something.... anything
Before I die I want to be debt free and travel the world with my other half.
Before I die I want to have a child and enjoy watching them grow.
Before I die I want to make one big thing to human being, a good thing and useful for human being
Before I die I want to be rich
Before I die I want to get a girlfriend
Before I die I want to give more love every day
Before I die I want to have my own funeral
Before I die I want to I want to eat fried eggs
Before I die I want to put up them shelves I've been meaning to do for years
Before I die I want to know my children will be ok and be happy with their lives
Before I die I want to write a book
Before I die I want to stop isis
Before I die I want to smile and hold a heart full of gratitude.
Before I die I want to overcome my anxiety and be at peace with my past. I'm working on it!
Before I die I want to become dictator of the world
Before I die I want to live in peace...
Before I die I want to know that I have done everything I can to leave my loved ones with me close to their hearts
Before I die I want to tell my husband this one. Cheri, I love you
Before I die I want to share life with a dog (again).
Before I die I want to know what peace is
Before I die I want to see my children be all they want to be and happy
Before I die I want to have more happiness in my life and share with my family and friends
Before I die I want to find peace with myself
Before I die I want to become an artist
Before I die I want to teach my children that love is more powerful than hate, forgiveness better than revenge and time more precious than money. xx
Before I die I want to live in Japan.
Before I die I want to walk barefoot at dawn through summer medows
Before I die I want to really live
Before I die I want to I want to make a difference in people's lives.
Before I die I want to I want my children to be independent, i want to see the world and help those that i can help.
Before I die I want to Live a good life
Before I die I want to watch my best friends get married
Before I die I want to Tell some one everything about me so I don't die with no one ever knowing who I really was
Before I die I want to Finally find the job that fufills my dreams
Before I die I want to Understand Bob Dylan's songs
Before I die I want to see my kids set up for a decent life
Before I die I want to travel as much as possible, and experience other cultures.
Before I die I want to Have a party where all my friends can share their best memories of Our friendship
Before I die I want to find peace and say goodbye.
Before I die I want to become a Doctor and be able to care for others
Before I die I want to See people become immortal :)
Before I die I want to Be okay with being me
Before I die I want to travel with my family and friends on a beautiful beach.
Before I die I want to make my loved ones have a better life
Before I die I want to Feel safe and loved for the first time before I die
Before I die I want to enjoy marriage with a beautiful, thoughtful, loving person
Before I die I want to Do so much, I am frightened I will run out of time.
Before I die I want to I want to go to Niagra Falls & do a boat trip unr it.
Before I die I want to become a wealthy woman
Before I die I want to make my famliy proud
Before I die I want to know what it means to be alive
Before I die I want to Be grateful thankful for all the little things in my life. I am forever grateful to have my parents in my life. Especially my mom
Before I die I want to perform the song "Poses" by Rufus Wainwright
Before I die I want to make my parents proud and tell that i'm blessed that i have them in my life and also my gf
Before I die I want to appreciate the gift of death.
Before I die I want to Ensure my ex that I still deeply love is happy
Before I die I want to exhibit my photography
Before I die I want to Before I die I want to spend more time with all my love ones
Before I die I want to Learn what it means to be a good person — I want my pets to know how much they mean to me
Before I die I want to See my children happy and content
Before I die I want to Live every day with love and peace
Before I die I want to Be loved by a man with a strong and true heart, a man who loves me in the way I long to be loved and who I love in every moment of every day
Before I die I want to to see a safe place for respite and care of those living with neuromuscular disease
Before I die I want to laugh till I cry as many times as humanly possible
Before I die I want to Find a reason not to
Before I die I want to be successful in order to pay off my family's sacrifices.
Before I die I want to make sure that my loved ones will be happy once I am gone. I want to make things easy for them. I want to go knowing they understand.
Before I die I want to Nothing. I’m content and have lived a good life.
Before I die I want to Be very very old!
Before I die I want to make sure my mother is safe
Before I die I want to give birth to a child
Before I die I want to be love.
Before I die I want to I want to someone who’ll truly love me
Before I die I want to Laugh every day!
Before I die I want to have 30 dogs!
Before I die I want to I will get my wings & finally be able to protect be with my precious daughter 24/7 & provide her with God's blessings
Before I die I want to meet BTS
Before I die I want to Live on Colonsay and for my Children and Grand Child to have a happy life.
Before I die I want to go to Vegas!
Before I die I want to See myself being happy
Before I die I want to stop climate change and ensure a sustainable future for my grandchildren and yours.
Before I die I want to To do all the things I wanted to do
Before I die I want to travel the whole world
Before I die I want to spread as much loving kindness as I can
Before I die I want to be a doctor, get married, have kids and live peacefully.
Before I die I want to complete a cycling challenge
Before I die I want to have the money to buy my dream house
Before I die I want to go on a beach and looking at the sunset
Before I die I want to let my family know that i love them and appreciate them infinite amounts
Before I die I want to Be all that I can.
Before I die I want to believe that I always was enough.
Before I die I want to go on an elephant safari
Before I die I want to Become a valuable person for the world,family, friends and for me.. (akshat)
Before I die I want to make everyone proud of me
Before I die I want to be able to have a conversation in spanish (while living in spain)
Before I die I want to travel the world and really enjoy life!
Before I die I want to thank everyone enough for being with me throughout my entire journey.
Before I die I want to see Southside Johnny & the Abury Jukes in New Jersey
Before I die I want to live for 200 years in perfect health
Before I die I want to Have the best life possible make friends get a good job spend time with family
Before I die I want to write a novel (or two!).
Before I die I want to visit Graceland
Before I die I want to tarvel the world
Before I die I want to Travel along route 66
Before I die I want to make sure my family are ok
Before I die I want to make my parents happy
Before I die I want to See my children and grandchildren settled, peaceful and happy.
Before I die I want to have the best life I can full of love, laughter and experiences
Before I die I want to i want to feel loved
Before I die I want to be forgiven for all my mistakes and re enact a moment of my happiest time. after my death, scatter my ashes over the sea.
Before I die I want to know that my son is happy
Before I die I want to share a lot of happy moments with my wife and see my children grow up.
Before I die I want to Satisfy my wife’s heart and soul
Before I die I want to go to new york
Before I die I want to make sure that all the people I love know it - and now much! Likewise, those who are a negative influence, I forget about!
Before I die I want to Not spend my days worrying about the future
Before I die I want to listen to DAY6's Best Part.
Before I die I want to remember all those that I have loved and that have loved me, and be grateful for that love. My children and my soulmate.
Before I die I want to help others know the options for planning a good death.
Before I die I want to Live!!
Before I die I want to be a kind and loving person to my surrounding every and each day
Before I die I want to swim with penguins in the wild
Before I die I want to be a millionare businessman who can use his wealth to transform people's lives
Before I die I want to learn to play the saxophone
Before I die I want to have my dogs with me and hold them close
Before I die I want to I want to spend more meaningful time with my friends
Before I die I want to Marry my one love
Before I die I want to Rollerskate to 'my favourite things' by John Coltrane
Before I die I want to See the real Ireland
Before I die I want to be happy again
Before I die I want to tell my boyfríend how much i loved him
Before I die I want to Beat my husband and his friends
Before I die I want to Be truly happy atleast once
Before I die I want to Want to live.
Before I die I want to Make sure mu daughter knows how much i love her ,and climb a moutain
Before I die I want to marry the woman of my dreams <3
Before I die I want to walk the West Highland Way
Before I die I want to familiarise my family and friends with death and the dying journey
Before I die I want to Make sure my mum knows it’s not her fault
Before I die I want to I want to see the northern lights
Before I die I want to show my wife how much I love her instead of just telling her.
Before I die I want to understand me and the choices i have made.
Before I die I want to find happiness
Before I die I want to Before I die i want to make history
Before I die I want to I want to cherish and spend time with my family so I leave beautiful memories with my loved ones before I go.
Before I die I want to build a snowman.
Before I die I want to make a will and leave a legacy to charity
Before I die I want to transcend my physical being and find peace in stability and harmony
Before I die I want to climb a mountain with my daughter and remind her of her beautiful energy and look up at the big sky!
Before I die I want to Have lived my life to the full, to have made a difference in the work place and know that my family know how much I love them
Before I die I want to Stop thinking aboutd
Before I die I want to want to tell the person I've loved since I was 12 what they have meant to me and that I hope they are fulfilled and content in all they do x
Before I die I want to find inner contenment and be at peace with such an angry world
Before I die I want to Go to Italy and Spain
Before I die I want to live and celebrate life to be the best it can be with all the ups and downs and to capture the story to share and give hope
Before I die I want to get married and have a child
Before I die I want to learn how to love myself
Before I die I want to reach black belt level in Aikido
Before I die I want to tell my other half that I will always look after her always
Before I die I want to watch the baseball on the telly on 14 March at 6:05pm but there'e nae chance of that
Before I die I want to be unapologetic about who I am
Before I die I want to get married
Before I die I want to Be happy one last time
Before I die I want to Go dog sledding and cuddle a koala.
Before I die I want to say goodbye to everyone I know and love
Before I die I want to live
Before I die I want to go around the world, find love, broaden my knowledge and make many happy :)
Before I die I want to make my wishes about death and dying known to those who matter most.
Before I die I want to See a cure for Cystic fibrosis.
Before I die I want to Cycle the great wall of China
Before I die I want to shower beneath a waterfall.
Before I die I want to retire and live a new chapter in my life with those that are dearest to me
Before I die I want to live a life with no regrets, to leave behind amazing memories with my children, family and friends so when they think of me they will laugh
Before I die I want to really live
Before I die I want to Return to my first love
Before I die I want to raise a family, have a loving wife, kids, friends, loved ones, experience good health, experience world travel, give back to my community
Before I die I want to get my best career
Before I die I want to Find the love of my life.
Before I die I want to be happy alone
Before I die I want to make sure non of these people here will have to suffer.
Before I die I want to learn how to play the guitar.
Before I die I want to tell my girlfriend how much i loved her in summer and until halfway through first term and how i love her so much
Before I die I want to put love in every little thing I do, in every relationship, in every working day, in every glance, even when I look in the mirror
Before I die I want to visit Iran
Before I die I want to get a coffee
Before I die I want to I hope my friends and family know that I always tried my best. They might not have saw or maybe felt it, but I have always tried my best!
Before I die I want to walk the west highland way
Before I die I want to Come out to the people around me and be known as the person I am.
Before I die I want to rest assured I've made a positive difference in my life.
Before I die I want to learn to be kind under all circumstances
Before I die I want to Watch my children become happy, confident adults & support them to reach their full potential whatever that may be
Before I die I want to be at peace
Before I die I want to be loved
Before I die I want to go for a long walk in the sunshine.
Before I die I want to Love and be loved
Before I die I want to Stop hurting and learn to love again
Before I die I want to enjoy life to the full!
Before I die I want to Cuddle my children and tell them how proud they make me and how much I love them.
Before I die I want to learn how to ride a horse, learn to sail and see venice
Before I die I want to know that I have lived.
Before I die I want to visit Alaska and do whale watching
Before I die I want to sing a duet with Rufus Wainwright
Before I die I want to become an end of life doula
Before I die I want to keep as healthy as possible and spend every spare moment outdoors!
Before I die I want to ski the vertical mile at Whistler
Before I die I want to have and hold onto deep, life-affirming love!
Before I die I want to move to the ranch.
Before I die I want to fix myself
Before I die I want to see a cure for cancer
Before I die I want to Not feel unloved
Before I die I want to go and see barcelona play at the Camp Nou with my 2 grandsons.xx
Before I die I want to live, laugh, love and dance in the rain.
Before I die I want to live without fear
Before I die I want to I want scream to the world i was here.
Before I die I want to make sure my children are in a good place
Before I die I want to tell to the world that i have no hidden pain at all
Before I die I want to visit every continent on the planet.
Before I die I want to Uplift all my brothers and sisters. Death is just a minor inconvenience! Blessings ALL!
Before I die I want to be the best version of who I am .
Before I die I want to Fill the earth with music
Before I die I want to Tell him I love him one more time
Before I die I want to see the Great Barrier Reef and be the best version of myself I can be.
Before I die I want to die softly
Before I die I want to Feel loved and not be depressed.
Before I die I want to feel free
Before I die I want to visit Mongolia and stay in a yurt
Before I die I want to travel in a campervan
Before I die I want to Before I die I want to teach my child how to live- to experience life in all it's vivid colours and be happy in its richness
Before I die I want to Help people and myself,to LIVE.
Before I die I want to be able to live with my life
Before I die I want to accept myself fully, forgive mine and others mistakes. Live in love, happiness and acceptance.
Before I die I want to Learn to fly a fixed wing glider, hang glider, and/or get my pilots license and fly a Cessna... I just want to fly!
Before I die I want to recapture that sense of total absorption in something that children have when they play
Before I die I want to make my parents proud, even though they told me that i'm a disappointment. I want to make myself better for them.
Before I die I want to totally embrace and love who I am, just as I am.
Before I die I want to I want to tell my children how much i love them and to continue to have a meaningful life.
Before I die I want to cook as much as I can for everyone
Before I die I want to stay as happily married as I am today :)
Before I die I want to cry
Before I die I want to Eat some nice food.
Before I die I want to Love
Before I die I want to travel the NC500 (Scotland) in a campervan
Before I die I want to tell the girl i love how she makes me feel
Before I die I want to make a list of those I want to come back to and haunt BEWARE!
Before I die I want to Be really happy
Before I die I want to Make sure my daughter is comfortable with lots of support when I'm no longer here for her
Before I die I want to look in the mirror and with honesty say 'I love you'
Before I die I want to write on that wall
Before I die I want to salsa dance with Nicola Sturgeon
Before I die I want to be in good health and make lots of money so that my children will have something to start their own future with.
Before I die I want to travel to beautiful places
Before I die I want to Find happiness with my love
Before I die I want to make as sure as possible that God will welcome me to His Kingdom!
Before I die I want to Get married and have a children
Before I die I want to meet the man of my life and have kids with him, as I feel that would complete me.
Before I die I want to sit and think by my self
Before I die I want to create something to help society and the world.
Before I die I want to experience sunshine in Scotland for at least six months of the year...
Before I die I want to run a marathon
Before I die I want to know that our son is settled down and as happy as he can be. Mainly I want him to have a life he enjoys more than I have.
Before I die I want to Have a day at the spa with my beautiful daughter (now only 3)..
Before I die I want to have a space hopper race with all my friends :-)
Before I die I want to Be loved by someone i love
Before I die I want to go to harry potter studios
Before I die I want to Meet someone as beautiful and amazing as the woman I have always loved but could never be with. I love and miss you Sue SO much!
Before I die I want to truly find out what it is really all about
Before I die I want to be genuinely hqppy.
Before I die I want to Hold my lovely daughter tight
Before I die I want to See my beautiful friend again and tell how o feel
Before I die I want to Will I get a good death
Before I die I want to be happy.
Before I die I want to have lived my life to the full with no regrets about things I wish I had done
Before I die I want to make a difference.......
Before I die I want to Jump out of a plane
Before I die I want to swim with a whale
Before I die I want to be all that I can be, and give all that I have x
Before I die I want to stop fearing my friends
Before I die I want to set up a business to help people get their death organised, before they die, so they can concentrate on living.
Before I die I want to Travel around the world
Before I die I want to Be the happiest I can be and still love my brother even tho he took his own life 18 months ago
Before I die I want to be loved again.
Before I die I want to update my will and power of attorney
Before I die I want to learn to drive
Before I die I want to make my loved ones happy and hope they forgive me
Before I die I want to learn to accept how meaningless and unimportant life is and to let go of the burdens, for they matter not.
Before I die I want to visit the White House
Before I die I want to feed a quokka on Rotnest Island
Before I die I want to share time with my grandchildren
Before I die I want to have my own child, travel more and be happy
Before I die I want to live in New York.
Before I die I want to go on a Safari in Africa with my daughter
Before I die I want to live for ever. So far so good.
Before I die I want to be forgotten
Before I die I want to be a better person
Before I die I want to plant a rose bush.
Before I die I want to travel into an alternate universe and fly free!
Before I die I want to Work my time
Before I die I want to say im sorry for how miserable and sad i was and how selfishly i acted
Before I die I want to make sure my children are happy, cared for and know they are loved
Before I die I want to help those that have been emotionally and mentally abused, especially by family, have a voice.
Before I die I want to Live every precious moment
Before I die I want to Kiss & cuddle my wife & hold my grandchildren in my arms
Before I die I want to see my boys grow up, be happy, healthy and settled with lovely wives and children. i want to go on lots of holidays with my Husband.
Before I die I want to MAKE A DECISION IN MY LIFE
Before I die I want to travel to Iceland, Alaska and the Shetland Isles
Before I die I want to learn how to die a good death, teach my kids & grandkids about death (& life!), live every minute by being present, now! Love lots.
Before I die I want to See my son grow and be who they want to be.
Before I die I want to live life to the fullest and do all that I can to survive
Before I die I want to be sure I deserved to be alive.
Before I die I want to to work part - time.
Before I die I want to go to a Taylor Swift concert
Before I die I want to Fall in love
Before I die I want to I will be all my love one's guardian angel
Before I die I want to make my boyfriend feel loved and not feel abandoned or hurt by my death
Before I die I want to Be successful
Before I die I want to have a pint with the Krankies
Before I die I want to live
Before I die I want to make myself proud.
Before I die I want to be okay
Before I die I want to Feel like I made a difference
Before I die I want to thank my parents for such a wonderful childhood
Before I die I want to exceed expectations, live without fear, have no regrets
Before I die I want to I would like to be a reasonable ballroom dancer
Before I die I want to Enjoy my last day last hour last minute and last second
Before I die I want to Know that the world is different because I lived.
Before I die I want to go outer space!!!
Before I die I want to say to my daughter 'I love you' 1 milion times!
Before I die I want to date Gerard Butler
Before I die I want to feel alive, live every moment with joy, experience pain without reluctance and make other people feel happiness.
Before I die I want to make sure that everyone I love knows just how much I really do love and appreciate them.
Before I die I want to learn how to dive
Before I die I want to make them proud so they'll love me again.
Before I die I want to See my grandchildren
Before I die I want to Write a letter to my brother
Before I die I want to be the best person that I can be.
Before I die I want to go to ROME
Before I die I want to see the sunrise and the sunset in one day
Before I die I want to see my children settled, happy and thriving.
Before I die I want to See the world
Before I die I want to see a permanent "before i die" wall to give hope to those who feel alone
Before I die I want to sleep under the stars with my beloved, far away from any artificial light and wrapped in a big fluffy rug.
Before I die I want to fill my daughters with love.
Before I die I want to be everything my parents would be happy to see me be.
Before I die I want to I want to pay off all my debts and organise my own funeral so my kids don't have to do it, would also like to file all my important stuff so
Before I die I want to Be remembered by my family in death that they think fondly of the good times that made up my life with them
Before I die I want to learn true acceptance of self and others
Before I die I want to see the next Miles Morales Spider-Man movie
Before I die I want to have enough time to say goodbye to my loved ones.
Before I die I want to make my dream come true
Before I die I want to walk barefoot along Arisaig beach and dance under the Northern Lights
Before I die I want to be loved by a man that I love and trust.
Before I die I want to climb Ben Nevis with my friends
Before I die I want to become rich and successful
Before I die I want to be happy.
Before I die I want to sit for a day beiside the Falls of Unich
Before I die I want to conquer the world.
Before I die I want to see my children settled.Make sure they know that they are very much loved and gave me all I wished for in life xx
Before I die I want to I want to see the world.
Before I die I want to inspire someone to safeguard our precious environment.
Before I die I want to Ride my bike again
Before I die I want to See the northern lights
Before I die I want to help more people realise how beautiful it is to be alive.
Before I die I want to Be happy
Before I die I want to climb KILIMANJARO
Before I die I want to Be known for what I do rather than what I have got
Before I die I want to do my best that I lived every moment raising to be my full self.
Before I die I want to hear my boyfriend's voice one last time
Before I die I want to loved
Before I die I want to have one weekend with my the one i love like old times.
Before I die I want to finish my huge never-ending pile of books!
Before I die I want to travel route 66 in America
Before I die I want to walk the ben ann mountrain
Before I die I want to Drive a race car
Before I die I want to see and witness the people that I will leave happy
Before I die I want to hug and kiss my husband and the three of my child
Before I die I want to apologize to my ffa
Before I die I want to make a difference to the lives of others
Before I die I want to write a book
Before I die I want to Be proud of myself
Before I die I want to fall deeply in love
Before I die I want to Ask for forgiveness
Before I die I want to feel content
Before I die I want to do a Foundation Course in art and get lots of laughter lines
Before I die I want to truly appreciate the little things in my life that make me smile
Before I die I want to cage dive with great white sharks!
Before I die I want to make myself proud.
Before I die I want to live life to the full.
Before I die I want to enjoy a long retirement, help raise my grandchildren (i don't have any yet), learn a new hobby
Before I die I want to be with her
Before I die I want to feel I am enjoying every moment without being hard on myself
Before I die I want to visit as many inspiring places as possible! And live a happy life, appreciating my friends and family and all that I am lucky to have :)
Before I die I want to see my children and grandchildren are happy and content knowing how much i love them.. Oh...and ride on the back of an elephant! x
Before I die I want to visit my favourite place, to sit on a bench listening to music while drinking coffee
Before I die I want to be my hero (the optimum of me).
Before I die I want to everybody to have a nice life
Before I die I want to be enough
Before I die I want to Live
Before I die I want to besides having a family, I want to land my dream job in the funeral industry.
Before I die I want to spend my remaining days with my family, just wanted to see them smile for the last time so i can die peacefully
Before I die I want to fly a fixed wing glider over the Swiss Alps.
Before I die I want to Stand at the feet of the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro and look up
Before I die I want to not worry
Before I die I want to make sure that my whole family know how much I love them. and know how proud i am of them.
Before I die I want to help otthers
Before I die I want to Go to Canada
Before I die I want to impact and inspire as many people as I can
Before I die I want to Swim in the Indian Ocean
Before I die I want to live in the moment
Before I die I want to meet a sunrise with my husband Tim in early Japanese morning, somewhere in the mountains!
Before I die I want to Before I die I want to enjoy my self
Before I die I want to spend more than a day with my childhood friend in Scotland. Show my childhood friend the wonderful sights of Australia. Visit Bora, Bora.
Before I die I want to fly in an aeroplane.
Before I die I want to go to the Great Barrier Reef and Scuba dive there and go to Japan and China. I also want to scuba dive in the Georgia Aquirium
Before I die I want to be really happy and value all the ppl in my life
Before I die I want to Go to Australia
Before I die I want to go on an air balloon
Before I die I want to see may little girl grow up and win her battle with leukaemia
Before I die I want to see my son fledged, settled and happy.
Before I die I want to Save a life
Before I die I want to Go to Hawaii
Before I die I want to feel carefree and not worry about stupid things
Before I die I want to Learn how to ride a big horse.
Before I die I want to be organised for my death
Before I die I want to live in a Gary Cooper High Noon sort of way where a touch of courage makes up for all the fear I've had in my life.
Before I die I want to be happy
Before I die I want to hear the word thanks saying by others to me and feel the satisfation of about milliionss of million peoples all around the world ..
Before I die I want to See the sun rise across the sea
Before I die I want to visit Scotland
Before I die I want to make a bucket-list and cross more than 75% of the items on the list. I want to be with myself.
Before I die I want to clear my inbox
Before I die I want to go back to Germany and see where I was born
Before I die I want to I want to see the ones I loved
Before I die I want to grow my business to the point where it can continue beyond me.
Before I die I want to make a difference to the world I live in.
Before I die I want to be a granny - better still a great-granny...or a great great granny - you get it...
Before I die I want to To evolve and be a better person
Before I die I want to travel the world with someone I love
Before I die I want to love myself and my husband fully and completely
Before I die I want to Play acoustic guitar and make music
Before I die I want to write a book
Before I die I want to Make it to 20
Before I die I want to BEfore I die I want to have a lot of cats
Before I die I want to have my own family.
Before I die I want to build a place to elderly people.. a safety place and free payment
Before I die I want to Before i die i wanna make all my dreams true
Before I die I want to have a (healthy family), visit the Galapagos Islands & live a long, healthy life (despite Type 1 diabetes)!
Before I die I want to tell all the people I love how much I love them
Before I die I want to be free
Before I die I want to make myself proud.
Before I die I want to dance naked in the rain
Before I die I want to help as many people as I can
Before I die I want to Stop all this war . And live in peacefully
Before I die I want to happy
Before I die I want to know who I am.
Before I die I want to sing in nashville
Before I die I want to Meet my love , i told sorry.
Before I die I want to Live life to the fullest
Before I die I want to be able to truly say "I have lived."
Before I die I want to do things im scared to do
Before I die I want to make amends with those I have pushed out of my life
Before I die I want to make sure I’m the only one who is going to miss me..
Before I die I want to know I have helped people
Before I die I want to feel at peace with life
Before I die I want to fall madly in love and be stupidly happy
Before I die I want to see my nieces grow up and live a happy, healthy life and witness their milestones in life
Before I die I want to Make my parent pround and forgive what i did when im still immature and the mistakes i did
Before I die I want to Return to my first love
Before I die I want to I want to feel Peace wrapped around me like a blanket.
Before I die I want to create positive social change in the Canadian Healthcare system
Before I die I want to newyork
Before I die I want to make the world better.
Before I die I want to be able to cycle safely in Scotland
Before I die I want to give peace of mind to the world
Before I die I want to Love
Before I die I want to Meet poppy
Before I die I want to Go out with my mum and dad my friends 2 of them and say I had a lovely time with them
Before I die I want to have so many wrinkles, that I cannot count them!
Before I die I want to Tell my friends and family I love them and that I hope they understand why in the future
Before I die I want to travel the world with the one I love
Before I die I want to Make my parent and my best friend they're happy and enjoy the time I have with them I want them to memories about me of Happy thing
Before I die I want to say to my daughther, that I really love her
Before I die I want to be loved.
Before I die I want to see my faimily happy, my friends to be sucessful and have their happy family.
Before I die I want to be ready.
Before I die I want to live every moment with those that i love dearly and let them know how much they mean to me
Before I die I want to help save the world's elephants
Before I die I want to travel along Route 66 in an open topped car with my daughter, taking in the sights and generally having a great time
Before I die I want to Learn all that I can but currently I am probably jut gonna die
Before I die I want to get carelessly drunk at 21 with my friends and celebrate making it there
Before I die I want to Express gratitude to the people around me and ask forgiveness from the people i may have wronged.
Before I die I want to Be fully grateful for the life I've had
Before I die I want to visit Norway
Before I die I want to live
Before I die I want to See my children grow into kind adults with a huge capacity for happiness. And to be ok with dying.
Before I die I want to see the ocean and make everyone happy.
Before I die I want to see the smile on the face of my family, write a book and wait for my soulmate
Before I die I want to travel and see so much more of the world
Before I die I want to know what happens after death
Before I die I want to Drive an original fiat 500
Before I die I want to Go to Africa and see safari
Before I die I want to feel a sense of a job well done
Before I die I want to be able to experience a range of emotions, from positive to negative, to feel alive again
Before I die I want to see the law changed so people can have medical help to die when they choose
Before I die I want to visit where my fiance grew up
Before I die I want to travel around Italy and sit in the Tuscan sunshine with a glass of the local red, surrounded but friends and family
Before I die I want to have the same desk for more than a few months
Before I die I want to affirm life and teach that death is a natural process
Before I die I want to See my grandchildren get married