good life, good death, good grief

Advance directives

You may decide to express a very specific view about a particular medical treatment which you do not want to have.

This can be a written statement, drawn up and signed by you, which sets out how you would prefer to be treated (or not treated) if you were to become ill in the future.

Making an advance directive and communicating it to your loved ones and medical staff is very important. Not only should it help you to receive the end of life treatment you wish, but you are giving clear guidance to people close to you about your wishes.

This removes a great burden on others who may be asked to make crucial medical decisions about you. Letting them know your wishes in advance gives them the confidence to make the decisions you would have wanted, and reduces the chances of your loved ones being haunted by guilt and worry that they have not done the right thing.

Further information

Macmillan Cancer Support provides information about Advance Directives here: Macmillan information on Advance Directives

Our Reluctant Planners Guide To Death and Dying blog on planning your Advance Directive.

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Bereavement Charter for Scotland