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Before a death
After a death
Support for carers
Plan for the future
Future care planning
Key Information Summary
Recording your discussions
Power of attorney
Talking to people
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
What do I need to know about CPR?
Advance directives
Making a will
Digital legacy
The Reluctant Planner’s Guide to Death and Dying
More about serious illness, dying and bereavement
What happens when someone is dying?
End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE)
Get involved
Join the network
Join Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief
Join the Compassionate Communities Network
Ideas and resources
Online resources
What happens when someone is dying?
‘It takes a village’ exhibition
20 takes on death and dying
At Home with Illness
Demystifying Death Week
End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE)
To Absent Friends Festival
Compassionate Communities Toolkit
Getting Started
Learning from others
What is a compassionate community?
The Compassionate Cities Approach
Knowledge, Skills & Information
End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE)
Create an online directory of local activities and services
Become a dementia friend
Pushing up the Daisies
Coach 4 Care
Creating Opportunities
To Absent Friends
Death Revue
Monthly Gathering
Demystifying Death Week
Planning Ahead workshop
Back Home Boxes
Encouraging supportive environments
Nurture neighbourliness
Supportive workplaces
Supportive schools
For schools
Bereavement Charter Mark for primary schools
Resources for schools
For Workplaces
Workplaces toolkit
Why is workplace support important?
Case Studies
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
Case Study 4
Case Study 5
Case Study 6
Case Study 7
Resources for managers, employers and colleagues
Being a supportive colleague
Being a supportive manager
Being a supportive employer
How can an employer prepare?
Legal requirements
Bereavement policies
Support for specific bereavements
Bereavement Charter Mark for Employers
Workplace bereavement training
Support for staff
Employee rights after a bereavement
Financial matters
Support for specific situations
Sources of support for people who are bereaved
Bereavement Charter Mark
About our work
Aims and origins
Who we are
From theory to practice
Our vision
Public Health Palliative Care
Policy background
End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE)
Bereavement Charter
Development of the Charter
Charter Mark
For Employers
For primary schools
Resources for schools
Sample Resources for Schools - Learning about Bereavement, Loss and Grief
Develop a local bereavement charter
Demystifying Death Week
To Absent Friends
Death on the Fringe
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