good life, good death, good grief


Publication of A Whole School Approach to Loss and Bereavement

A group of organisations have jointly published A Whole School Approach to Loss and Bereavement, a reference toolkit, providing information to help teachers support children and young people during times of loss, change and bereavement.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow City Council Education Services, the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, St Margaret of Scotland Hospice and Marie Curie have produced the resource to support teachers from early years to secondary education environments. It has been developed to support teachers to increase their knowledge and understanding of loss, change and bereavement.

The project was initiated after a scoping exercise highlighted that many teachers felt that training on loss, change and bereavement was an area requiring further development.

The toolkit sets out a vision whereby schools are supportive, prepared and informed in relation to both the needs of children and young people and loss, change and bereavement. It includes case studies, examples of good practice, lesson plans and direction to further resources.

The full toolkit can be accessed here: weblink

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Before I die I want to ...
Bereavement Charter for Scotland